Friday, May 25, 2007

10:20 pm ... I bought it ...

Spent a good part of the day at the arb, reviewing for my storytelling about Find-in-Forest tomorrow and Bug Bingo for the next 1st Saturday. Printed out more Britton & Brown drawings. I'm definately remembering ID's + latin names better. Walked along the Big Prairie and then along the drive at the house for new species.

Penstemon tenuiflorus? - Kentucky Beardtongue
Potentilla recta - Sulphur Cinquefoil
Triodanis perfoliata - Venus's Looking Glass
Achillea millefolium - Common Yarrow
(Jones - taxonomy not yet resolved)
Plantago lanceolata - English Plantain
Conium maculatum - Poison Hemlock

I gave in and bought the Jones book today! Resolving Carex grayi from Carex intumescens really sold me on the usefulness. It's been a great help today! It's best used in conjunction with other books, for me. Eg. when looking for Triodanis perfoliata, Jones makes no mention that the flowers are purple. Because I'm printing out B&B drawings for coloring, having the same drawings in Jones should be helpful to remember.

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