Sunday, May 13, 2007

11:30 pm Lots of Cynthia.

What a long day! But it couldn't have been better. Spent the morning at BFUN 204 Wildlife. In the afternoon gave a hike for the Orchid Society on Rock Run. No orchids, but still a lot to look at. Lots of Cynthia. In the evening, everyone came out to the house to go frogging with Joe Cichan. What a great time! Mike (the botanist) is so handy for ID'ing flowers. I'm told that its hemlock growing right out at the road! We made some great catches: Broadleaf Phlox, Large Wood Sorrel, Golden Alexanders, Valerian. I realize now it was Valerian that I also saw on Rock Run. I'd really like to walk back in the morning and photograph them. All is right with the world.

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